Focus on Quality: This is what matters when buying your filling machine

We would like to provide you with some guidance on what you should pay attention to when purchasing your filling / bottling machine. We will address the topics of design, materials and durability.

Applicable standards and guidelines for machinery

The design and the materials to be used in machinery are specified by regulations and standards at both the EU level and additionally on the national level.

EU regulations

The Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) is the most important directive concerning the construction of machinery. Other EU regulations govern the use of materials and articles intended to come into contact with food. Examples include Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 and (EC) No. 1935/2004. EU directives and regulations establish specific safety standards and health requirements for products, including machinery and electrical appliances. The CE marking is used by the manufacturer to demonstrate that they are aware of the relevant requirements for their product and that their product complies with these rules. Products lacking the CE marking are not allowed to be distributed within the EU.

Design of a filling machine

Having provided an overview of the relevant regulations and standards, we would now like to shed light on the associated design aspects.

This will allow you to make a preliminary assessment of the offered quality before purchasing a filling machine.

In fact, there are several general principles:

  1. Surfaces must be easy to clean. There should be no so-called “dead spaces” where contaminants can accumulate. This applies to connections between individual components as well.
  2. Each component requiring cleaning should be designed in a way that facilitates effective and trouble-free cleaning.
  3. Elements requiring cleaning should ideally be easily removable.

These requirements have been met in the design and construction of our FILLOGY® filling machines as follows:

  • The materials used have smooth surfaces that are free from dead spaces.
  • The spray area has no gaps where long-lasting contaminants could accumulate in such hard-to-reach areas.
  • Pump heads, tank, and hose sets can be disassembled within a maximum of three minutes and broken down into their individual parts. Afterward, all components are cleaned in the dishwasher.
  • All parts that come into contact with the product are made of certified food-safe materials, including POM, AISI 316L, and silicone.
  • Any replacement parts can be easily reordered from us if needed, whether due to wear or defects. It is recommended, for instance, to replace all seals after 20,000 kilograms or at least once a year.

FILLOGY® filling devices are consistently designed so that all parts and surfaces are smooth, quick, and easy to clean. All machine components that come into contact with the product and are used in the filling of food items are demonstrably approved for food use.

Abbildung eines Teils des Antriebsmoduls einer Abfüllmaschine mit deutlichen Spalten, in denen sich Verunreinigungen absetzen können.

Example illustration of the FILLOGY® Neo motor block: The surfaces are smooth and easy to clean. There are no gaps or indentations where product or cleaning residues could accumulate.

Example illustration of a filling machine, which, in contrast, has larger gaps in the splash area. In these hard-to-clean areas, contaminants can accumulate over time, leading to persistent residue.

Materials of the Dosing Device

When selecting a filling machine, the materials used play a crucial role. They not only influence the performance and durability of the machine but also have implications for product safety, hygiene, and regulatory compliance.

Product Safety:

The materials from which a filling machine is made can come into contact with the filled products. Therefore, it is crucial to choose materials that do not release harmful substances or could contaminate the product. Especially in the food and pharmaceutical industries, the materials must be food-safe and non-hazardous.

Corrosion Resistance:

Filling machines often come into contact with liquids or chemicals. The chosen materials should be resistant to corrosion to ensure a long machine lifespan and minimize the need for frequent repairs or replacements.

Hygiene Requirements:

In industries like food, beverages, and pharmacy, strict hygiene standards are a necessity. The materials should be easy to clean to prevent the accumulation of dirt, germs, and bacteria. Smooth, non-porous, and easily accessible surface design facilitates cleaning.

Robustness and Wear Resistance:

The bottling machine is subject to daily use and mechanical stress. High-quality materials contribute to the robustness and wear resistance of the machine, ensuring its performance over time.

Temperature and Chemical Resistance:

Depending on the type of products being filled, the machines can come into contact with various temperatures and chemicals. The materials used must withstand these conditions without compromising their structure or properties.

Compatibility with Cleaning Agents:

For the regular cleaning of the filling machine, cleaning agents and disinfectants are often used. The materials must be compatible with these chemicals to avoid causing damage or reducing cleaning efficiency.

Compliance with Standards:

Certain industries have specific material requirements. Ensure that the materials used adhere to the relevant industry standards and regulations, such as FDA approval for the food industry.

Durability of a bottling machine

The durability of a filling machine is not just a technical attribute but a crucial factor that influences the overall performance and profitability of a production facility. By investing in a durable filling machine, you ensure that your company benefits from stable and efficient production in the long term.

Factors for Durability:

  1. High-Quality Materials: Selecting the right materials is fundamental. Robust, corrosion-resistant, and wear-resistant materials contribute to the filling machine’s ability to withstand the demands of daily operations.
  2. Solid Construction: Stable construction and precise manufacturing are critical. A strong foundation ensures that the machine operates steadily even under challenging conditions.
  3. Regular Maintenance: Regular and proper maintenance significantly extends the lifespan of the filling machine. Worn-out parts should be replaced in a timely manner, and recommended maintenance intervals should be followed.
  4. Modular Design: Filling machines with a modular design facilitate component replacement and upgrades, enhancing the machine’s adaptability and lifespan.
  5. Manufacturer Support: A reliable manufacturer provides not only high-quality machines but also efficient customer support. Good support assists in troubleshooting issues and offers swift access to replacement parts.

Our Service for You:

We provide you with fast and straightforward maintenance and repair services for your machine. Additionally, you can count on us for quick replacement of accessories and wear parts. We focus on quality.

Further Informationen can be found here.