Filling Sweets: Nut Butter, Cake Batter, Toppings, Ice Cream

Abfüllen von Süsswaren

Filling sweets with the Fillogy® filling machine

The Fillogy® is equipped with product components from the Flowable series for filling sweet spreads, nut butters, sponge dough, sweet toppings or ice cream.

  • Creamy products: Chocolate, nougat, caramel and milk cream
  • Nut butter: nut butter, nut butter (smooth or crunchy)
  • Other confectionery: Ice cream, toppings, runny sponge, honey

The filling machine for sweet delicacies

Our secret favorite: filling “pasty sweet stuff” – from chocolate cream to nougat spread and sweet milk cream to sponge cake and ice cream. In between, there are nut creams, caramel creams, honey, ice cream toppings and pasty baking ingredients such as gingerbread spices based on syrup. These products are not only delicious, but also pose a challenge during filling due to their different viscosities and production conditions.

A particularly exotic application is the use of the Fillogy® filling machine for dosing stirred dough. A Belgian customer has been using it for years to fill liquid “gingerbread” dough, which is much more flowable than German gingerbread dough. A sample filling is often advisable for products from the “confectionery” category.

Sweet spreads: filling chocolate, nougat, nut and milk creams

In addition to jam, honey and various chocolate, nougat, nut and milk creams are among the most common sweet spreads on the breakfast table. Honey can be easily filled with the appropriate product set without the need for product sampling.

The situation is different with creams. A product sample is usually necessary to correctly assess the viscosity. The configuration of the Fillogy® for peanut butter, for example, depends heavily on its consistency (smooth vs. crunchy). The ingredients, especially the type of fats used, also play a decisive role in chocolate creams, as different fats have different flow properties at the same ambient temperature.

Filling ice cream

The filling of ice cream is highly temperature-dependent. The suitable processing temperature for Fillogy® is -4 to -5°C. Ice cannot be sucked in, but is always filled via a funnel. The Flowable L configuration is used by ice cream producers to fill freshly prepared, flowable ice cream mass into small to-go packs. The ice cream mass is fed directly from the ice cream machine as a chilled “strand” into the hopper of the Fillogy® filling machine and then filled into small packaging units. This packaging is then frozen until it is sold on.

Your partner for filling confectionery

If your product spectrum ranges from sweet spreads to ice cream and pasty baking ingredients, we will be happy to put together a customized Fillogy® filling machine for you. Our experts are on hand to discuss your specific requirements and find the ideal solution.

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